Model Questions of Written Test in Nepal Army

After passing physical test in Nepal Army . the passing candidates should face written test .There are different questions selected by exam board officers .some model questions to pass Nepal Army written test are given below;-

General knowledge Questions

  • Name two districts that added in Nepal which make it 77 districts ?
  • When was Nepal divided into 7 provisions ?
  • where tea is mainly grown ?
  • what is full form of SAARC ?
  • When was second world war start ?

Questions related to math 

  • Find the area of playground of 400m length and 300m breadth ?
  • What is the value of 7/9 of 45 ?
  • What is formula for circumference of a circle ?
  • Six boy can do a piece of work in 9 days .how long will it take 2 boy to do it ?

Questions related to science

  1. Choose the correct answer
  • Pick out the bacteria disease 
a. Meningities  b.Rabies  c.Tetanus  d.Smallpox
  • Number of groups in modern periodic table 
a.7  b.17  c.18  d.8
  • The element present in the largest amount in rocks and minerals ...
a.carbon  b. silicon  c. hydrogen  d. aluminium 
  • Bio gas majorly contains 
a positrons b. methane c. hydrogen d .CO

2.Give short questions of answer 
 a.Define science.
b.What is bacteria virus ?
c.What is photosynthesis ?

Questions related to English 

1. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with a most suitable words given in the brackets 
a.Can you help me ..........?( can't you ,don't you , didn't you)
b.There are you going .......? ( aren't you ,wasn't you ,do you)
c.The postman .........(delivered) the post by 10 a.m everyday.
d.Tomorrow is holiday.the offices..........(remain)closed.
e.The pilot came down after the plane .......(land)
f. Ram the boys and threw stones at them (yelled / shouted)

2.Rearrange the following words given below . / out of his hand / snatched / the / was / a / garden /was / lovely / large / and


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